Thank you for joining the Heritage High School Athletic Booster Club. Your support to Heritage High School is more than just a donation, you become part of the Pride family! Our goal is to provide highest level of support and resources to our coaches and student athletes on 41 teams participating in 25 sports. For every dollar we raise through membership fees and other fundraising events throughout the year will help pay for the teams’ uniforms, equipment, Senior scholarships, coaches’ education, facility and school spirit improvements.
Your membership includes:
- Money back to your athlete's program and ALL the sport programs at Heritage High School
- Newsletter about Athletic Booster events, your athlete's sport and ALL the sports in season
- An open invitation to attend all Athletic Booster Meetings
- Your student athlete is eligible to apply for Scholarship Senior year (must be a member for 2 years)
- Discounted pricing on some Fundraising events, such as Casino Night
- HHS ABC car magnet or sport car decal for Lifetime Pride Members
Membership Levels - *(Price is per family NOT per student)
- One Year Pride Membership (Fee: $30/year)
- Lifetime Pride Membership (Fee: $100/paid once; includes current and future Pride athlete)
- Coach/HHS Staff Membership (Fee: $10/year)
- HHS Alumni Membership (Fee: $10/year)
HHS Athletic Booster Club is a Tax-Exempt Organization by the IRS under section 501(c)(3)
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, March 19
- Thursday, April 17
- Thursday, May 15